
Beats by Dre Just Beats al Ying Wei takes Ca

Spread but, sprinkled that the full head is from the person of the underground sneak attack full face, dye all over he blood-red.That person's one shot successful, quick Lue to the Ying Wei, a pull her hand, drink low 1:"Walk!"By leap and bound rush toward wall direction in the hospital.But the mishap being come all of a sudden is surprised the guards being getting more foolish Be empty to have the whole body high strong skill, just respond to come over while helplesslying looking at 2 people to rush a hospital wall, wildly roar to rush at two assassins.But already late, two assassins at they blunt come over, have already turned over Gao Gao's hospital wall, escaped an archduke mansion outside.
Archduke mansion inside a while in disorder set, the Jing bell, clarion call constantly rings out, more than ten knight plan Ma Ben Chu, notify all will get, more than 200 soldier Qings engraved to gush from the archduke mansion and remitted to unite as one place with 60 guards in the yard, dynasty two assassin disappeared of the directions made track for to go, not much, the whole city areas all quarreled and garrisoned soldier at 20,000 fire cloud within city and included 4,000 knights among them, 16,000 infantries, start in the archduke mansion searched break out of from the archduke mansion after don't know a Zong of two assassins.Step voice, clop, bawl out voice, helmet fricatives be full of the streets and alleys in the city, the torch shines on a night sky bright.More than 1,Beats Solo HD,000s the space Rui that are responsible for preserving order especially the public order member of team of principality our country be also from the home dragged along out to associately hold a line to hunt for a task, although they how don't be enthusiastic about,make appearance or need, hold to catch fire to walk the lazy ocean ocean ground, call of voice ratio who all big.
Wipe the blood on the clean face, once hid searching of a group of soldierseses, Cang month and Ying Wei already before arriving a big prison of fortress.
Just killed a gram of wood secondly is exactly a Cang month, the fire cloud evil absolute being had the same result after each try of escaped a ground of assassination Shu Cang very small for month have been already learned, just that the nothing important opportunity is used, plusing him is a soil attribute, escaping a ground of assassination Shu almost can be regarded as to measure the assassination means that the body makes to order for him, one shot under, compare his real strenght Gao Chu the gram of not only two classeses Lin Ya be also broken open two halfs.Just Cang the real strenght month now isn't enough, can not the spirit using Dou like evil absolute being of fire cloud's forcing to open the blood that the enemy spreads is as dirty as meat and cause the dirty machine of the blood of horse and gram Lin Ya almost sprinkle in his body, it make him become one bloody.However the wild beast life in decade makes him become accustomed to early bloody, otherwise at the moment only afraid early vomit.Although the Ying Wei sees Cang for month of the appearance almost vomited out, but had no time to make her be getting more disgusted now, after all the proper business is important.
Assassinating the activity can say to carry on very smoothly and first from acquaint with the environmental Ying Wei takes Cang the Qian enter an archduke mansion for month, again kill off the guard of taking the horse and is pretended to be by the Ying Wei, the Cang month beats tunnel to follow in the underground the Ying Wei leads long of Ma Zou, be gram Lin Ya top the horse is after made moves by Ying Wei to attackstone, attraction gram Lin Ya's attention, and make him relax a vigilance, finally from Cang month from underground suddenly and violently rise sneak attack, successfully after then follow before have already welled explore to escape route to escape.Next circumstances' developing is exactly also according to the anticipating of Cang month.Gram Lin Ya drive after killing, beginning in the city confusion, greatly parts of hands are adjusted to hunt for an assassin, connect watch the guard of big prison be also adjusted a part to go out, under the premise that who also have never thought assassin after assassinating successfully not only don't hide movements, on the contrary continue to act, 2 people before getting to big prison, prepare to rescue be jailed of space Rui especially an archduke.This a series of activity's planning is all come out by the Cang month establishment,Beats by Dre Just Beats, although everywhere insurance write, but is half success or failure plan, according to the parlance of Cang month, succeed be over win, fail be over hurt, there is no in-between final outcome.Seeing from current situation, they finished leaving to win the Yao of only having the one step!

Chapter 25 betrays

Big prison door front of defend not severe, the nobody wants to get meeting someone come to save space Rui the archduke is especially a son, plus a gram of Lin Ya's general meets stings to die, greatly parts of military power are all taken out to adjust out to hunt for an assassin, although big prison inside still have ascend 100 of guard, guard front door of only have two, and those two soldiers who guard a door don't know that the crisis stands close to and just and at ease dozes off at all.
To this kind of lower soldier, the important event is what they can not concern don't want to concern as well, although know city the inside takes place in a row a few important affairses for these several days, tonight gram Lin Ya's general meets a sting to die again, these affair is the above person worries, their these little soldier's soldiers is still not sufficient.So although the city inside made to turn over a sky now, didn't serve as the food for powder of duty in big prison still should why and why there is the slightest no nervous atmosphere.
The month of the Cang and Ying Wei hide in the shadow of big prison front door opposite alley and saw pure surroundings of circumstance, prepare to begin.Before setting out, the Cang month suddenly pulls the hand of Ying Wei and looking at her eyes, one word word the ground ask:"Trust me?"
Looking at Cang the as pure as a blue precious stone eyes looking at his face up the matchless and solemn and peaceful facial expression for month, Ying Wei although feeling at present the Cang month is some oddness,she still kept ordering to nod and firmly said:"Now, you are my only person of trust."
■A wisp of gentle and soft smile suddenly and tightly hugs her, ruthlessly Zhao her cherry lips kept on kissing.Although the Ying Wei feels Cang for month of the behavior is a bit abnormal,still doesn't refuse, warmly kissed in, the Ying Wei discovers Cang for month originally should the very hot lips are a bit ice-cold at the moment.Time that didn't give her the thinking, the Cang month fiercely loosens to open her and says:"Last!"The Ying Wei ordered to nod and suddenly felt one silk grief, she thoughted of the Cang says for month of, win be over win, hurt be over hurt, but over the price hurting is their life, so the Cang month is this abnormal performance, is to this end of does the one step have no confidence?
Take question, Ying Wei first toward the guard Lue of the left side past, she didn't see and fell behind the Cang month that her half treads, in the look in the eyes lookinging at her figure, peeped out thick must turn don't open of woe.
By leap and bound Ying Wei a sword will still be dozing off to die, another one well-known scholar the soldier heard smallly and loudly move surprised to feel the ground open an eye, but drive Cang month a wolf rush toward in the ground, the sharp nail arrives at that soldier's throat up.
Signal hint the Ying Wei changes the clothes of guard, the Cang month icily looking at that to has a liking for to at most only have 18-year-old and young guard and depressed voice to say:"I ask a , you answer a ,Artist Series, otherwise dead."Finish saying, a nail just a little a tight, sharp nail immediately the sting entered the flesh of that guard and leaked out a wisp of blood.That soldier frightenedly and repeatedly nods, the Cang month asks:"Your name, age, post, occupation, troops number, when join the army, home condition?"That guard is one Leng, originally think that the Cang wants to ask for month what confidential question of, have never thought but be like to check on house occupants of similar start to ask these to come.See guard slowly don't answer, hand of Cang month in addition penny dint, nail again sting go in 1:00, that guard answered right away:"The Ni promise-Si, 17 years old, descend class guard, don't cultivate Dou spirit or sorcery, therefore there is no occupation, belong to 19 army corpses seventh regiment the fourth brigade third infantry squad, enlist at home town this July, home town is fire cloud empire beard gram province, in home now only an elder sister, there are no another close relatives."The month of the Cang asks again:"What name does your elder sister call?"That guard wishes why even this all wants to ask, however still such as solid answer:"Fang-Si."The month of the Cang asks again:"The big prison inside still has how many guards, belong to where part of?"The guard answers a way:"There aring also 99 soldiers and a squad is long, all our squad."The month of the Cang is satisfied that the location nods and peeps out a wisp of peculiar smiling face on the icy face:"Many thanks, you can die."Finish saying nail fiercely the sting enter the throat of that guard, that guard fiercely stares big eyes, and the body was a burst of to have muscular spasms, and was hard to believe dead to drop.Cang month the side begin to shell his clothes the side is mumbling to oneself:"Execuse me, but you have to die."
The Ying Wei has already made change at this time that the clothes of guard that is killed by her, the Cang month after making change the clothes of the Ni promise-Si wants to think, the heavy sword of ten Ni promises, let the Ying Wei once turn a face to go, flick sword to put two corpses of guards to chop together smash, in addition to a heap of mince could not see any further this meat to once is two people.
Hear the back spreads of sharp knife the Rui mincing meat to ring, the Ying Wei several times wants that becoming is overdo Related articles:

