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Got so many modernization weapons, the natural morale greatly flapped, they repeatedly attack and basically controled mountain area and half mountain area, the Indian there and the landlord, farm lord of private armed all exterminate.Print a soldier to have to again front of the Assam rifle brigade set trip for setting up getting stripe re- adjust back to carry on even Pan.
Those trip long pour is very happy, can get away from front vehemence of put together to kill.India central government has already detected strategic intention in China and reorganizes an Assam rifle brigade and on the other hand strengthens the material of each camp and keeps a drawing up of trip at the same time, each trip provides with the brigade and the antiair guided missile camp in the helicopter, decide to with one action quell a northeast war area everywhere of the abruption doctrine is armed.Hence the not in power person's foothill launched fighting of another vehemence to kill.
That adds the orchid nation Qie orchid August 29 of village is especially
India after on January 26, 1950 declared independently, from the Assam region that the original English printed to colonize to receive to belong to Burma at first in the authorities hand, they studied it ex- lord the son "divide and rule" of skill, cut up into a lot of small nations: Assam region, among them that added an orchid nation is a gram of Qin clan of gathering and residing area, India central government mobilized to in great quantities speak that the clansmen of India Si tan that printed a ground of language changed residence to here, the gram Qin clansmen was forced to move into deep mountain.Gram the Qin clansmen people's of course not own pleased home be taken possession of, revolt but rise in succession, launched an armed conflict.But India government then set the anti- government that set up an Assam rifle brigade to crack down on to be responsible for each nation of northeast is armed, it is more totally different than famous Kuo Er Ka infantry regiment, that is completely constitute to°from the Gurkha person of Nepal of employ a soldier, but it is constitute to°from the Indian of crack down on Assam the people's quasi- military troops.The Assam infantry troops sets up to make to up belong to a Ministry of Interior and be subjected to the northeast each nation of region nation on the administration long directly leadership, be subjected to local army on the battle conductor, is a place with stronger real strenght armed, its basic battle unit is camp, total troops 5.25 myriad people, the plait contains 31 camps, the main all levels military officer is an army officer, train better.The troops belonged to garrisons frontier region in the east of the whole India, the commander's headquarters is established to west Long, descend establish 5 mountain area commander's headquarterses.
In addition to this quasi- military troops, the landlord of India clan also owns own private armed, under support that government the weapon is also very excellent.Gram the Qin clan is armed although body character good, acquaint with again to the geography,beats by dre pro, the weapon material differs too far, on the military tactics, the drawing up of troops ascend to also seldom have composition, therefore their site's being more and more small, strugglings are more and more hard.However India government always also have no to put out a gram of Qin clan to resist of very hot fire.
In mid- June after, the our army attacked and occupied Sa ground second, benefit much etc. ground, the circumstance contained the change of root.I bear arms a work's brigade to kick out all of India clansmens, but left gram Qin clansmen, and pass the gram of Burma of Mian republican Qin clan the elder did a great deal of work and finally reached agreement, the our army controled the land of India clansmen of area all from our country emigrant use.Gram the land of the Qin clansmen still returns them all.Our army then with the most excellent infantry weapon:5.8 millimeters of gun clans, 35 millimeters of automatic Lius play to shoot a machine, anti- armor rocket tube, anti-tank guided missile and shoulder to shoot antiair guided missile etc. material gram the Qin clan is armed, certainly more the Jian huge task is to train these military tacticses that visit shot member of team, let them control a forerunner, adopt more effective troops to draw up.The our army visits a shot group to install to encrypt for each gram Qin clan/Cu hair wireless telephone and transceiver.Those bitter big enemy the deep gram of Qin clan visit the strength head that the shot member of team's bitterness does to really make people's regrets, the military instructor of our army then strictly requests, therefore the member of team skill military tactics raises very quickly.
Certainly most effectively train soldiers still just to whet to do in the true war.Since mid- July, the special kind soldier of our army divides a brigade to lead the combat that they threw in to drive out India clan landlord, the Mian prints a boundary of that adds a mountain range bottom, immediately the gun voice rises everywhere.There is protecting of our army that drive, gram Qin clan's visiting a shot brigade is almost a never lose a battle, very quick approached India clansmens of steep mountain area to all kick out, recovered large numbers of regions.However the yonder population density isn't big, printed the northeast of the soldier war area don't value these matters, also think to is an our army to asunder print the trick of soldier troops.Pass a true war, visit the shot member of team's progress sooner, and see our army if spirit.They are also just finished those regions to attack a base, end target certainly is print a soldier to expel this Zu resides of ground.
Mid- August, the circumstance again mutates.East the line our army heavily fought printing of northeast war area soldier main force.Three war troopses of our army carried on to rotate for the first time, front also opposite stability come down.The special kind large unit of our army almost goes all out the anti- government of a ground of support Assam is armed and gram the Qin clan visit a shot brigade.The dawn 5 days ago, a paid more than 100 persons gram Qin clan to visit a shot brigade at me 1 group soldier a special kind soldier class of under support, with the military tactics of superior force, excellent weapon and norm, went into that Qie orchid that adds an orchid nation for the Tu a while village especially, India clan landlord that exterminated a village inside is armed, seize the whole village.
Especially the Qie orchid village is a big village, be located in that a valley that adds the orchid nation capital section 60 kilometer mountain areas of rare northeast horse in.25 year agos, India clansmen kicked out the gram of the region Qin clansmen and jumped a claim this rich land, afterwards the development becomes the village with more than 400 persons and opened up the big slice of land in the valley.However majority of lands in the village return two India clan landlords all, they respectively own more than 20 persons of private armed, village along a hillside build, and constructed a hard Zhai wall.They beat off a gram for many times the Qin clan visit the attack of shot brigade and once still pleased to an Assam rifle the brigade beat off a big gram Qin the clan visited a storming of shot brigade.But back into fort this time two landlords of big hospitals were armed to prop up don't arrive for 2 hours, almost be visited shot brigade all annihilation.Two landlords dreaming don't also thought of and visited a shot brigade to equip to mount sudden attack rifle and gun Liu to play and 60 trench mortars, they escaped a section under the covering of running dog on the whole by themselves rare horse.
They pass to be a councilman of kin claim nation government parties Assam rifle the brigade exterminate to visit a shot brigade.The whole each nation of Assam region raises an alarm to the northeast war area in succession at this time and point out the anti- government bears arms and visits big four activitieses of shot brigades, and all equips excellent weapon everywhere and battled of the military tactics also have much of composition, everywhere of landlord armed is no longer their opponents, even send of a little amount of rifle brigade also mostly drive Jian, those"aborigines riot" was almost"a night of" to become redoubtable enemy.The region that these anti- governments are armed to capture has already more and more approached each important military base.Qie orchid especially the summit of hill of the village up have been able to look down the air base that the section hopes suburban area horse.India central government and northeast fight areas all feel the seriousness of problem, affirmative back have Chinese support.
Yesterday, India central government instruction, resume an Assam rifle brigade completely, immediately the devotion cracks down on the combat that the anti- government bears arms.Northeast war area decision, reserve trip of draw up, each nation is a trip, each trip contains 5 camps, again install a six sail the big brigade contain 12-14 helicopters, and strengthened the mobile ability and thermodynamic power of each camp, increased the allocation that the thermodynamic power mounts sudden attack a car and infantry chariot.That adds an orchid nation of be called 3 trips, govern 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 rifle camps, and a six sail big brigade, the trip department still has 2 equiped light anti- armor guided missile and antiair guided missile respectively of connect a brigade.
Now, 11 camps lead in the battalion commander Meng Ji Di major under, is dividing two roads to follow a rugged mountain highway to Qie orchid especially the village enter hair.Because front segment time, they took part in the battle of regular army and equiped be strengthened, own 4 legal system"Pan admires virtuous" thermodynamic power to mount sudden attack a car, 4"the Yan rat II "s that is virtuous to make miniature infantry chariot, there are also 6 improvement types of Bs MP -one infantry chariot.The gunfire mainly still depends on 60 and 82 trench mortars.Major to quickly beg for an even gram of Qin clan to visit a shot brigade is to have much of confidence, the landlord sent 4 under charges to be a guide for them, also toward the circumstance that they introduced to visit a shot brigade.Major to the weapon that visits a shot brigade to own a forerunner also disagree, it is Chinese troops to pay to get to want to duly think of printed soldier weapon to send to them disturbance to print the rear of soldier, but finally is a disorderly band.Even think Related articles:

