
Beats by Dr Dre studio h Wen Ge to the Mu i

 Otherwise that guy can't so determinedly present a pair of forwards as well as so quick of can find out the opportunity of breaking the door.
Defy?Presumably shell Ni especially the Si can't express to Ni Ao in the Mu forever what admire of praise, which afraid is to lose a game, he can't lower the head to the other party, but, has the fact already explained everything and defies?Don't go execuse me
Although the fan of Liverpool is hurtling Lin Yi and Ni Ao in the Mu to send out hiss,you really have no way present up the arrestment slice Er west the madness of the brigade, especially you don't know how to deal with that bedlamite general boy forever.
Entering the ball isn't a purpose, destroying your will is Lin Yi's viewpoint, even if is 1- zero lead, this guy didn't also give up to continue to take the offensive of plan, seem the opportunity that he doesn't intend to leave for Liverpudlian brigade to turn over dish.
Lin Yi is present to up continue to play the son that the life blends, seem to want a hammer son to directly put to death Liverpool, pressing the root didn't consider that this game is two rounds of, he obviously prepares a round to let this game lose to hang to read.
Deal with Ai with AC Milan because Huo Wen Dui is similar, slice Er west to make the Liverpudlian brigade is at guest's field.
The main field in the other party, uses the victory of having no controversy pretty near finals, this perhaps gives the other party's most heavy stroke.
Especially to shell Ni especially Si to say, if so be sliced Er the west knocked down, he perhaps didn't turn over the opportunity of body.
Shell Ni especially although the Si has no brain to grow an eye behind,he can see out from the reaction of whole fans they exactly have to the performance of ball team how dissatisfied, fan all so, can the guys of board of directors be also satisfied?
Don't say those two American owner beginning come suddenly to want to stabilize public what of, if really make the dead loyalty supporter of Liverpool see his/her own activity, so lay off a bishop of failure does, the it could be is a good way.
Is especially an arrive a match to end for quarter all a have no acquisition of coach, even this commander-in-chief still lets the Liverpudlian brigade throw away the taking part in a game of next match quarter Europe hat qualifications and estimated that the solution hires a guy like this, basic no one will oppose.
Probably American owner of this kind of decides the public that can also win one part for them also perhaps, after all now to shell Ni especially the Si has the fan of good will and has already become less and less and disgusts his person to pour is a little bit increase with each passing day.
Whenever especially the shell Ni Si loses a game, those clamor to let him on the official forum class is over of the person will be much some.
If this game also lost, the so true nothing important said so much of, shell Ni especially the Si leave class is over is also the Yao of one step,Beats by Dr Dre studio.
Isn't certain he tomorrow morning will receive a dismissal letter from American owner, this can anything but startling statement creates a sensation.
If six Huang Pai Gua are on the head already enough and desperately, Liverpool is a life to hang a front line so now.
If the lord field falls, guest's field almost need not consider, this as long as is individual can know, don't say what Liverpudlian brigade is an excel to beat against the wind ball of violent ball team, but this slices Er west storm, they absolutely carry on the shoulder not to rise.
And can say so now, in the English super league match, have no who can can carry on the shoulder to slice Er west brigade this kind of madness of wreak havoc.
Unless they they's status contain problem, otherwise of words, don't want in the Stanford University bridge to take a cent to walk a person, none of draws goes.
Many reporters ever and by accident turned over to see teaching of Ni Ao's recent two yearses in the Mus career while statisticsing this some datas in match quarter, that guy came and went of taught result to be regarded as to find out a good explanation for not hurting of the Stanford University bridge.
Teach occupation ball team to start since the Mu inside Ni Ao, he presses a root have no at lord the field once lost a game, from this thin card to Boer diagram, from the Boer diagram to slice Er west, don't take care of is what league match, but every lord field, he has never lost.
Don't say this is what all lead a problem, not you can literally seek an individual to try, this with control breath what the main field advantage damning is irrelevant, as long as is at lord the field compete, Ni Ao in the Mu will warn ball team and want the control game of prison prison.
The first beginning from the league match, slice Er the west is carrying out a military tactics arrangement like this, so, in this time, never embrace what by luck mental state want to go to Stanford University bridge and try one's luck, those animals at lord field absolutely is see who put out who.
Lin Yi enters ball already the Liverpudlian brigade forces of back have no can back, even if is own the slightest of there are still more troubles with threat on the defense line, shell Ni especially Si now also can crustily the skin of head start adjusting a soldier to send will, prepare to distinctly press to up counterattack.
The guy that originally had already intended to defend with a last-ditch attempt to be exactly, now but can let section Wei Er and Mo Lun especially the Si prepare to warm up an activity and stay to him and Liverpool of time already not much, now once the Wu life fight, besides which, there is already no way out.
But shell Ni especially the Si is very quick and then discover, own every military tactics adjusts, all will drive Ni Ao in the Mu on the whole of the dead die.
Haven't come yet at him and make change section Wei Er and Mo Lun especially Si of time, Ni Ao in the Mu has already led off to do to change person's decision, he uses space Lun.John is lousy to change descend just in the middle of colliding with the thigh just a little and a little bit pull to harm of reach man.
This is reality to arrive to inside change a person, at leading after, immediately strengthen to defend, pressing the root didn't consider extending results in battle.
Although slice Er west the brigade withdraw in the side road under a quickly such as flying of lightning flash knife, defending of Liverpudlian brigade the pressure don't ease at all of evidence, it is to keep on changing to reach man,the movable scope of Lin Yi's present top is on the contrary larger.
The right side road is hasing never reached the next bottom of man to spread, but the orchid Pa is virtuous now because had ancient virtuous John lousy help, can ahead the field inching time withdraw and take over Lin Yi at in the organization of road, but that small guy can arbitrarily visit Yi now.
The Mu inside Ni Ao completely game of the rhythm right of control hand over to Lin Yi, can say so now, he is to let whole slice Er the west match with Lin Yi to beat this game, present up, the whole affairs all want to listen to that boy giving order.
Although in the game at ordinary times, Lin Yi is the commanding officer on the field, now, this boy is completely a commander.
Even Ni in the Mu Ao's present sides all shut up language not, let Lin Yi is on the ground without restraint exertion, don't take into to limit.
"This is very bold decision, chase a so important game, hand over to a still don't control to the 18-year-old small guy, Ni Ao in the Mu again makes us experience him over the person's courage and judgment with dare the personality of wager."
Lai because of gram Er and rare the Lei have to feel deeply about so, after all this decision that isn't a normal coach to dare to do out.
Estimate even if is the Fu space with sometimes likes that the sword goes wide Feng Sen, don't dare as well to play with fire so in the half finals in hat in Europe.
Not only is a Fu space Sen not ability wager so thoroughly, connect now and sit upright on TV before the machine and watch Wen Ge of this game also must stretch out thumb for the decision of Ni Ao in the Mu, that Portuguese has already expressed unique courage.
Although Wen Ge to the Mu inside Ni Ao a lot of actions all have a little at ordinary times not great, in this a moment, he chooses to support him.
A bishop does in the game of this key, should have own idea, and the Mu inside Ni Ao the choice this time, in Wen Ge's eyes, be not what have no the adventure of truth, is like also he premeditates already a long time of fatal fight to kill.
Whether the plan premeditated already a long time, Ni Ao in the Mu affirmation can't tell other people, but this guy mental state clear, if have no Lin Yi to play so a life of present up pound at, so slice Er the west probably still just die with Liverpool now very much Ke.
The Mu inside Ni Ao dares to indulge so Lin Yi to decide how to kick by himself/herself, is the full trust to that boy, although Lin Yi looks now very wild, don't hope that boy to really lose dispassion, is he by this timing wide awake.
Lin Yi always all only lets the opponent eat a shriveled son, himself is to have never suffered a los of main son, want to make him make to order what fatal mistake, estimate to only wait he truely relaxs down of time, otherwise, absolutely have no a drama.
When especially the shell Ni Si hasn't come yet and make change his/her own aggression player Related articles:

