
Beats by Dr Dre studio hen come to seek us

, Yang Tian's knee crest return to.
Once 2 people bump to namely open and sign towards seeing but!
"Ze Ze, indeed as expected not the Kui is a knife emperor, this real strenght really makes people satisfied."That reporter the Jie Jie Be strange to smile, have fun to begin medium sharp knife."Before coming to kill you, someone once warned me, will never can let your knife.But don't believe!You now bright your ice skates!I to want and see, is that is your ice skates quick, still is my sharp knife quick?"
The self-confidence of the opponent makes Yang Tian very uncomfortable.However after experiencing and fighting so more, Yang Tian's heart is on the tip of quiet such as aqueous situation.This is promoting of a kind of state, the far from assiduous self-discipline can change.
"What do you call?Who send you to come?"Yang Tian doesn't have a knife, because of still doing not arrive him knife of time .
"How?Don't think a knife, still don't dare a knife?"The reporter chuckles a , Pie eye station beside of chapter Hui, the Yin smiles:"If you not knife, I next time attackstone of the object is this woman."
"BE?"The flash across in Yang Tian Yan one silk is foul atmosphere, the right hand joint is tiny to vibrate, he already work well preparation of rescuing the chapter Hui at any time.
The reporter obviously noticed Yang Tian's small action, corner of mouth a, a stride on the tip of chapter Hui front of.Chapter Hui surprised voice scream, the lane dropped sunglasses while in flurry retreating.Almost is when the sunglasses fall to the ground, the reporter's sharp knife has already stabbed to her between the eyebrows.Chapter Hui despair of send out Si to roar, the body falls backward because of retreat.
Even now, Yang Tian Yi's shot soars to the skies flying kick to kick in the other party wrist.The sharp knife been concussed to open in the sky on turning, row a weird arc after, anti- to sting to Yang Tian just- fallen to the ground thigh.Side after Yang Tian Wen one step, easily once avoided.Is close behind, left foot one shot whip leg, the desire sweeps reporter but.
Only, the reporter early has already anticipated.On canning not remember, then and later on back.Yang Tian once rows left foot air and sent out to hunt information.
"Want that putting so is even I?Dream!"The reporter sneers at a , again deceit body but up.2 people again engage together and act quickly if lightning flash.The reporter's sharp knife often Shan now cold long grass, make person's heart palpitates.Is gradual, the reporter's action is unexpectedly more and more quick.Arrived an end, have already shall arrived soon 1 kind even Yang Tian is all hard to cope with of situation.
"Put together speed, that you wait to be subjected to dead!"The reporter is horizontal to slice of one knife, get close to Yang Tian's armpit directly and quickly.Yang Tian in flurry jumps behind, although once avoided vital part, clothes up have already been set aside one edgy son.The reporter is satisfied low to hum a , the body is like the monkey of rickets, fast but weirdly and right on the spot roll toward Yang Tian.That speed, as being a shell, in the Yang Tian's shocked vision, the body has already soon flown to start to keep, then the Teng is empty, and a kick in Yang Tian's chest.
Immediately, it is a to hugely be good enough to let people stopped Yang Tian whom the strength of heart palpitates forces to connect to back several.His facial expression a short moment becomes some hair whites, even becoming breath is urgent.Can the reporter's attack haven't stopped, on connecting three knives, the knife knife is dead.Of cold long grass, an of the life and death is at the regardless of vehemence and offend to Yang Tian.
First knife, the reporter stabs by the weird posture that the wrist turns over to Yang Tian's lower abdomen.Second knife, the reporter's sharp knife at drive Yang Tian to the right concuss to open of time, lend a dint rebound, stab to Yang Tian's chest.
"This knife, you is certain to die!"Reporter two knives don't fruit, have been already had a fit.At the last knife, the whole body strength Ning's speed promotes to extreme achievement.The arm, wrist and point knife do into a front line, such as water visit a dragon to generally get close to Yang Tian's throat directly and quickly.
This knife is already the reporter's a the most pre-eminent shot.He the self-confident nobody canned once hide an attack like this.So, when he stabs a , this knife, he has already peeped out a smile.Can this smiling face return all of the not yet finisheds to bloom, one knife white the long grass suddenly appear.Is close behind, white the speed of the long grass is unexpectedly quick to even he can not catch.
"He knife!"The fierce flash across in the reporter brain is this terrible mind.
Yang Tian's ice skates concusses the sharp knife of opening the other party in the very critical moment.Is close behind, his finger slightly a change Huan.Surplus two ice skateses,such as phantom, generally appear at his.The chest that once stuck the other party along with his palm is one ⑹k novel wαр .⑴⑹The k xs.Com tidies up, those two ice skateses such as invisible of the air set aside the flesh of the other party chest.
Two knives see a bone!
At this time, on the reporter's chest, not only clothes drive laceration, even the breastbone is also clear it is thus clear that.Knife method and speed like this absolutely makes people terrible!
"Pa!Pa!Pa!"The reporter by luck didn't die, not only not Nu, anti- pour to summon up Zhang.But he remains cloudily smile:"Indeed as expected not the Kui is the person who is made an exception by the coffin palace to promote!Your real strenght has already got my approbation and go to a coffin palace with me!"
"Are you the person of coffin palace?"Angry in Yang Tian Xin, the cold voice asks a way.He already and the old monk talk over, when oneself wants to go to a coffin palace, will go naturally.But don't think, coffin palace unexpectedly such violent in action, send person to examine his/her own real strenght.Just exchanged blows, if isn't that his real strenght is violent, perhaps dead at the other party hand in.
"The person whom the coffin palace pleases has never coulded not please.The old monk handled affairs disadvantage last time, is then handled by me this time.You can choose to follow me, or lie down to become to kill a person."The reporter disdains to of looking at Yang Tian, in the look in the eyes that kind of the vehemence of the extremely self-conceited make people very uncomfortable.
"Do you think that you do like this and then can make me follow you?"Yang Tian Di hums 1 and smile of of extremely irony.His Yang Tian wants to do of matter, the nobody can obstruct.Is same, he refuses of matter, also the nobody can change."You roll!You aren't my opponent!"
Once the reporter listen to this words,Beats by Dr Dre studio, in the eye of kill an idea more very.But soon after, he then again resume as usual.
"Ha ha, I have to admit that the previous words of old monk are right.You are indeed as expected obstinate of heel head cow."The reporter roars with laughter, " however no matter how it is, I hope that you can go to a coffin palace and make a trip.These are address and elder of coffin palace to make a card, you need not brush-off.This time however is that I beat with old monk of wager, the wager whether you is my opponent, not the order of coffin palace.However very pitiful, I lost.I live with old monk now in the bystreet, you when want to go to a coffin palace, when come to seek us."Say, he makes a white card and black card(full text word small 說閱讀 , 盡 at ωар .1 ⑥κ xs.cn (One ⑹κ .С Om.Text.學網 )
(Throw to Yang Tian.Yang Tian didn't scrutinize as well, with put into bag.
"Remember, my nickname calls'reporter', I expect your to join."Say, the reporter is strange to smile 1, sails out of the room.
Yang Tian's wry smile looking at the other party to leave and wishes:The person of coffin palace not only overbearing, and return all of a s are monsters.Exactly the coffin palace is a what kind of organization?
Unconscious, Yang Tian has already started having interest to the coffin palace.
Yang Tian loses to smile of shook to shake head, no longer thought the business of coffin palace.He returns to body to arrive at chapter Hui front of, seeing her is still a frightened appearance, can not help concerning a way:"You are all right?"
"Do not be free!"The chapter Hui unwillingly suppresses a fearing of in the mind and hesitate of answer way.Just Yang Tian and reporters exchange blows, it's a long story to tell, but actually then very short.Attackstone chapter Hui from the reporter, arrive Yang Tian make moves to mutually save and arrive Yang Tian's comeback win again, front and back however a minute.
"Be free good!You return Yao heart house in the sky?"Yang Tian asks.
"I was very frightened, didn't want to go now.Yang Tian, can you send me to return to?My feet seemed to twist!"The chapter Hui knits the brows to say.The time that just fell down, her body exceled his/her own ankle.
Yang Tian hesitated for a while, tooked a look on all sides and ordered to nod.
The house of chapter Hui is in an upscale villa area in red silks City, this is the Chen Shi amusement company to give her arrangement's address in red silks City.She works, so in normal times the inside is inside the villa of combine no one.This lets this bumps huge villa to seem to be extremely desolate.
"Has the home already fallen a dozen of wine?I for you handle for a while."Yang Tian asks a way.
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