
Beats by Dre BMW a ha on smiling bes

At, make my eagle dragon feeling frightened not to keep on daring."Long Yin immediately returns to way, the as a result is below similar to what me guessed, only don't know is what, this eagle dragon to the district of 250 classes eventually the class none of BOSS how fear, will so fear the nether thing now, that underneath affirmative the existence is very dangerous.
Came out a person at this time, from the forest of underneath, correct say, don't know to is to isn't a person and just grow someone's appearance, whole body all drive cloth tunic to cover up, basically can not see an Islamic solid appearance.
"Underneath of but spirit wing worry?"My absolute being knew to also feel an underneath that'person'of strong, but will burst upon here a 'person', is very likely to be the purpose that I want to send letter, that spirit wing worry, the system has never said spirit wing worry is what Class of person, but can exist here, real strenght also should not bad arrive where go to.
"That's right, I am wing worry, who are you ?"That person hears after my shout and ordered to nod, and draw down the cloth tunic on the head hat, peep out spirit Qiao handsome face, even if this person has already ascended age, but still keep making people feel that he is very handsome, this is probably the characteristic of spirit clan.
"Ling Luo Wei who certainly works properly city makes me send to seal letter to you."Say I allow Long Yin to let the eagle dragon send me next to go to, that spirit wing worry has already just took back to sent forth at this time of vehemence, let the eagle dragon no longer so fear, however the eagle dragon still doesn't dare to close to too much, but far and far let go of I, would not° until I again run so a distance hand over the letter to in the hand of spirit wing worry.
I stand on the spirit wing worry nearby quietly, system didn't hint my task be over, also have no task hint, so I say again just after canning wait this spirit wing worry to reading the letter here.
Led a short while, the spirit wing worry finally had finished the letter, then he looked up at sky to give a deep sigh an one breath and became overdo to slowly looking at me.
"H'm, quite good."Spirit wing worry see I after growing a short while so much, just say such a, then don't say again what, just looking at me quietly.
"You still have what want to hand over something to treat?If the nothing important wants to hand over to treat, I in advance left."Waited along whiles to all have no an information, I didn't want as well etc. again, hence toward the spirit wing worry openings to ask a way.
"Have!"The spirit wing worry determination emolliently time way, then took out a red and orange bead son and an arrows with no arrows feather from the body, immediately after say:"You take this to have no feather arrows to go to spirit forest, to the one who kill off to trap to forbid the Mo over there, then come back from packing corpse with this bead son, the operation method of this bead son you directly saw the attribute knowing."
The spirit wing worry has no that feather arrows and red and orange bead son hand over to the back of the my hand and also not much say what, directly sent back that forest in, let me want to ask that spirit forest where all don't know what start to ask, seem to be also to have no time to limit in this section task so much, can slowly seek.
"Eldest brother, we now how do?"The Long Yin and absolute being punishes 2 angels to stand to my nearby.
"Leave, return to first."After willing have no feather arrows and red and orange bead son to accept, and the Long Yin, absolute being punished an angel to leave here.
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The text chapter 262 premier has already pleased
Renew time:2009-9-2319:19:14 chapter word numbers:2657

"Young master there is your telephones."With disorderly the dance hope a month, after they finish explaining, I drive plum son call log out, unexpectedly someone makes a phone call to me, but this telephone I seem to don't tell who ah?
"Who beat?"I toward plum son to ask a way.
"Premier Chu seems to seek you to occupy."The plum son part answers that simultaneously replace clothes for me, this telephone should be draw up to be like a telephone, otherwise also need not so troublesome.
"H'm, have already said what matter?"I oddly ask a way.
"Have no, premier Chu lets you from have been already said, I also not is well again ask."The plum son shakes.
"That is all right."Hurriedly finish changing clothes, premier Chu but one premier Guo, can have no how many times consume with me, didn't know to take place as well what matter, unexpectedly want him in person and make a phone call to me, as for he why will know my telephone, that need not guessed, if even these all don't know, that his this premier also white be.
Door, see premier Chu's virtual image be leisurely and carefreely making tea, seem to combine nothing important important event.
"Chu is old, do you seek me?"I hurriedly tread pass by.
"H'm, small month ah, so quick log out."If premier Chu didn't answer me, but beat hello with me.
"Chu is old to occupy to seek, certainly get down immediately."I ha ha on smiling, beside of the sofa sit down, anyway this is the telephone, and I am in I's home, also need not after this premier's approval.
"H'm, is to there is a small matter, want to invite your help of small month."Premier Chu is some to ashamedly say.
", Chu is old to occupy and then keep saying, the small month can accomplish of, affirmation is old for Chu you to do secure appropriately to be."I clap a chest to say.
"H'm, this is in fact a private affairs, and telephone inside also not say, you can arrive me here come a , you see me evening steep tea."Premier Chu's facial expression is tiny to change, seem the affair is still not small, and still important matter, not the ability speaks in the telephone,Beats By Dre In Ear.
"Is all right, Chu is old you slightly sit a short while, I is right away."See this scene, I also know how to do and also not much say what, directly hanged a telephone.
Although I have already moved to leave to before sit now of place, also leave downtown in Peking,also just move suburb, don't leave too far, drove to rush through past of words, probably have no so quick, after all the car is soon limited, unexpectedly premier Chu has urgent matter, that I directly use light achievement dash away past go, beat return all need not much long-term.
"Does the young master want to go out?"The plum son sees me again replace clothes, and still very the Cong is hasty of appearance, immediately lift to change clothes shoes and socks for me, ask a way at the same time.
"H'm, Chu is old to have urgent matter, I go to a ,cheap beats by dre, may late order back, Huan star dust that thousand years old demon?"Disappear a Huan star dust I positive feeling oddness.
"He sees the young master is playing games, also urging we make for him, now probably foolish still in the new hand village."The plum son laughs merrily a way.
", That ignore he, you make the orchid son let the black wolf set prepare to remain on standby, my afraid Chu old this affair isn't small, probably need the help that they come over."I ordered to nod, then had no to say more what, directly go out,Beats by Dre BMW, dash away but go to toward the Chu old residence, the direction dashing away is a straight line, this world basically the nothing important place can impede my step.
After five minutes, I have already appeared outside premier Chu's front door, premier Chu unexpectedly opens the door for me in person.
"Small month ah, your speed well quick ah, is be not live in this neighborhood?However your telephone is in the suburban area ah?"Although premier Chu knows my meeting fighting skill one matter, but have never thought I will so quick arrive to.
"Ha ha, Chu is old to occupy, slowly don't get."I ha ha on smiling, then again the positive color ground ask a way:"Chu is old, exactly what does the matter take a small month to do?"In premier Chu's home, the safety is affirmative, as for meeting can't someone eavesdrop to talk, that is completely that need not worry, although I can not isolate that high new science and technology muckraker machine,my spirit reaction can clearly feel whether be stolen or eavesdrop, even if being 1 kilometer to outside use the super muckraker machine can also respond, and reason I don't know as well by myself, knows this ability.
"Ha ha, in fact also not is what greatly not of affair, Be just a private affairs, only this matter to me, but can be greatly small."Premier Chu is some to helplessly say.
"Chu is old you keep saying, ignore the knife mountain fire sea me will do for you."For premier Chu's behavior, I Related articles:

