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Chapter 536 head in the letter entrance to valley fights(seven)
Sun Ce takes allied troops' officers and men to sign a horse to would be from closed to run down, turned head a to see, call ascend 23 well-known scholar soldier, point at front would be to say:"You!Guard a pass a door to open at once!Greet Cao general, they enter a pass!The others continue to make track for with me!"Finish saying, would be to turn a head to continue to rush through toward the letter noodles in the west of entrance to valley!
The letter entrance to valley is originally just a very common toll-gate, while Gao fluently re- build here of letter entrance to valley but is to become a small scaled city wall, southern north the both sides is all depending on Tashan, but thing both sides then each setting a pass.Gao conveniently in the center trains a troops and horses inside the camp Zhai established at two passes at ordinary times!
Sun Ce hopes to go toward the distance, but at heart is not from get a tight, closing the door of the letter noodles in the west of entrance to valley is opened, an eye hopes to go and didn't see half personal shadow any further, and obviously Gao Shun has already escaped!Can if give up so of words, Sun Ce's in the mind is again unwilling, right away on grinding teeth, the officers and mens would being a rightness after death drink a way:"Keep up with!We make track for!"
Can Sun Ce's words sound just fall, haven't waited Sun Ce to exceed a step son, sudden Sun Ce feel that unexpectedly the earth of oneself's foot beginning vibrate!Sun Ce's eyes bead son immediately stares eldest brother, his leading troops time fighting be not short either, would being to distinguish very easily will result in the reason of this kind of phenomenon.That mind is in Sun Ce's brain one Shan, let Sun Ce by himself/herself is also frightenned a to greatly jump, the favour is to sway to sway head, soliloquized a way:"Not,Monster Beats, impossible!This is impossible!"
"Little lord!Seem to have large numbers of troops and horseses positive party in government to approach here!"Sun Ce wants to deceive yourself as well as others, can at his after death close soldier but also discovered this action, hurriedly come forward to say to Sun Ce.
"Indeed as expected!"Once Sun Ce's facial expression change, finally still have to admit this fact, because of at the moment, have already had a clop beginning to invite to invite ground to spread to his ear unclearly inside!Sun Ce signs a horse to would be to respond to come over, the letter entrance to valley is still on own hand now!Right away Sun Ce woulds be to shout a way to the or so soldier:"Is quick!Is quick!Close the door the west to close!Is quick go to!"As long as can will close the door to close, block up the route that the enemy pounds at and so waited until allied troops' soldier to enter a pass, similar can guard a letter entrance to valley!
Sun Ce's order for a while, the or so soldier signs a horse to would be to receive orders to rush through to go to, this very short road to Sun Ce, that is 1 kind to endure long hardship!Is very not easy, those soldiers finally arrived to the west of letter entrance to valley to close the door in time and flustered a ground of beginning to push to close the door to close!Food for powders like,etc horizontal stick up, succeed, is this, Sun Ce even secretly loosenned tone.
"Dong!"Can in this time, one is huge to ring from close the door to ring out, sees that have already closed of west close the door, but is to suddenly be bumped to open, have mercy on those two close the door behind of allied troops' soldier, directly would be be pushed away of close the door to clap minced meat!In the vision of public scare, a war will ride a high big war horse and extremely make open ground from close the door the outside hurtled to come in and stopped at close the door place, loudly drink a way:"Want and then take down so a letter entrance to valley?Have no so easily!"
"Is him!"Sun Ce stares big eyes looking at that to burst upon at close the door oscular war will, although every several years, but that figure is Sun Ce to forget!Right away Sun Ce woulds be a pair of eyes to become red and red, eyes absolutely be like want to spray fire generally, lifting overlord's gun will be blunt before going toward, part blunt still simultaneously drink a way:"The thief of the dog!I want to revenge for yellow old general today!"
The war that this bursts upon will, the nature is Luo the sun debt descend great commander the Wei postponed!In those early years at south sun city a war, yellow cover for covering Sun Ce, be postponed by the Wei kill, this enemy, Sun Ce all always recorded in the at heart. Originally his claim serves as vanguard one job, purpose be for the sake of can personally the hand blade Wei postpone and had never thoughted so quickly and then made him met with personal enemy!Just Sun Ce just wanted to hurtle up to postpone to fight with Wei, but drive he after death of that did close soldier to dead the hopeless situation embraced, the Rao is Sun Ce's hand strength again big, can not also the enemy once got those 56 close soldiers.Spirit Sun Ce keep roaring:"Mix Zhang!Release me!Release me!You this wants to rebel!Release me quickly!"
"Little lord!"All of those close soldiers are full faces wry smile, but is to have no a person to dare to let go, one among those persons advise a way to Sun Ce:"Can not hurtle!Little lord!You see!"Say, he still stretched out a hand to point to pass by toward front.
But follow the direction of that close soldier's finger to hope to go, sees at the Wei and postpone after death, dense a big cluster of ride a soldier just from the pass outside and by leap and bound toward this place rush through, lead not how long, they will hurtle into a letter entrance to valley!If Sun Ce seek a Wei to postpone to fight this time, that result only has a , haven't waited Sun Ce to kill a Wei to postpone, that blunt kill to come over of the enemy will immediately give° Sun Ce to drown!Other allied troops' soldiers can not concerned Sun Ce's peace or chaos, but all of them are Sun Ce's close soldiers, to take Sun Ce's safety as the tallest standard, can not looking at Sun Ce to walk into death so naturally!
Also ignore Sun Ce would like to, those close soldiers are simply to is to so wear Sun Ce's beginning to hereafter escape, at the right moment this time east's closing the door have already been opened, close soldiers are trailing Sun Ce to go toward pass to outside run and shouting a way to or so allied troops' soldier:"Withdraw quickly!Withdraw a pass!"Just some kind of of their good intentionses but is to waste, after all they are just a few close soldiers, how are those allied troops' soldiers willing to listen to their orders.Only minority of severals follow these close soldiers to together see Wei postpone after death troops and horses of allied troops' soldier, just hastily heel at they back run.
Just led one small meeting son, the Wei postponed after death of those ride a soldier have already arrived to a letter entrance to valley of close the door place, the Wei postpones once the mouth smile and bring up doubles within hands pole knife, point to east, drink a way:"The son Langs!Kill for me!Revenge for breaking enemy ranks the brotherses of camp!"
"Kill!"Appear to postpone to after death ride a soldier at the Wei but is have already already a long time become famous to emit blade to lightly ridden with Qin of west as different as chalk and cheese, these riding all of soldier's a s is extremely Gao Da Dun, and connect the person take a horse, the whole body is up and down all overalied by the very thick battle armor, at these ride the soldier's hand in hold of, is a long-handled long blade, take the long-handled swords of the flection of a silks!The order bottom that postpones at the Wei allly rides a soldier to halloo to shout to kill a voice after reaching and would is to kill to rush but go to toward another head of in the letter entrance to valley!
This riding a soldier isn't Zhao Yun to cure to nextly emit blade to lightly ride, but these five in the last yearses, Luo's sun lately build up of another troops that become to set up to make, the name woulds be to be called Li bluntness heavy ride!Right!This rides a soldier not to is to emit blade to lightly ride hussar like that, but has a history and become to set up to make heavily to ride a soldier for the first time!
In those early years the Wei postpones the life of receiving Luo's sun and went to cool state garrison, and cool state is also producing of key figure horse, to not make these horses wasted, the Wei postponed would be offered suggestion to Luo's sun, in the cool state trained one again rode a soldier.However at the beginning the Wei postpones of meaning, want in the cool state to train 1 and emit blade to lightly ride to onely and lightly ride a troops.But Luo sun at see after the Jian that the Wei postpones talk, but is rose to establish heavy ride the soldier's viewpoint!
Previously, Central plains history up pour also not is have no over-weight ride a soldier of this kind of soldier grow, but because the missing of vivid, make heavy ride a soldier always is all kind of extremely the soldier of chicken rib grow, don't even say is heavy ride a soldier to establish alone draw up!
However from the future generations come of Luo's sun don't think so, in this age, who also have no Luo's sun more understand heavy ride the soldier's value!After more than 1,000 years, iron of that big hair might of god floats a Tu and well displayed heavy ride the soldier's offensiveness!If isn't Yue Wu Mu is such an a life time remarkable talent afraid of a gold country not with lend this iron to float a Tu to sweep whole inside original!
Weigh to ride a soldier not to say to set up and then can set up certainly!No matter the resources that is still a horse, soldier to expend, build up have been becoming to draw up of heavy ride a soldier, all of these are to need an astronomical figure!Luckily, Luo's sun cures next have Jing state, benefit state thus of rich and populous ground of, and then have cool state thus of produce key figure horse!Plus the Wei postpone to wait will just of the pain pay, finally in this several yearses in, train these about 20,000 people of heavy ride a soldier!Luo's sun grants to be named Li bluntness in person heavy ride!
Heavy method for riding the soldier's attack extremely of one, be spotted a direction, directly assault!But is more simple attack method, more easy develop result!Today this the war is exactly a Li bluntness heavy ride to display their power in the world person's eyes for the first time!But in the letter entrance to valley, those just hurtled into allied troops' soldier in the pass completely is saw silly eye, until those heavy rode to hurtle to their in fronts, they this just responded to come over, can already too late, those block in the Li bluntness to weigh to ride anterior allied troops' soldier's turning an eye to would be be bumped to fly, trample ground!Being like the cornfield that was mown by the sickle inside the letter entrance to valley is general!Only those still station at close is sweeping allied troops' soldier of battlefield to escape by luck, can they are to surround at close, can be a station foolishly over there and looking at foot those fiercely ride soldier from closed the door to once wear, beginning toward letter entrance to valley east the noodles rush out!
"Does not Er's waiting still surrender?Treat more when?"The Wei postpones at the moment was also a Zong horse to arrive to the east pass underneath, in the hand lift a double pole the knife would be Yao allied troops' soldier who closes!Spread all over to gloomily kill an idea on the face, drank a way:"If want to resist throughout!Only a dead end!"
If the Wei postpones, and now this situation, directly would being will close that not arriving of the surplus 1000 people's allied troops' soldier thoroughly to shot Kui!The owners all threw away the weapon in the hand and directly would was to postpone to kowtow down toward the Wei!Allied troops' capturing a letter entrance to valley still doesn't arrive half of two-hour period, be postponed by the Wei to recover!
And meanwhile, is closing an outside, originally saw allied troops have already offended to break a letter entrance to valley, even the closing the door also gives to open, the Cao Ren is about to receive to stay at close outside allied troops beginning toward pass inside military advance.At this time, suddenly and before spread a shout a voice, the Cao Ren settles once the Jing see, but is to get a fright, sees the front having 78 people positive party in government to rush through to come over here.See again careful, unexpectedly are Sun Ce whom a few allied troops' officers and mens grasp to continuously struggle, be like transfered under guard a prisoner to generally escort so to come over!
"You, you this BE?"The Cao Ren hurriedly clapped a horse to rush through to come over, he signed Ma Ren Chu this several escorts Sun Ce of, is exactly Sun Ce's close soldier, they absolutely can't have a problem to Sun Ce's loyal!Can by so doing on the contrary make the Cao Ren more and more interrogative!
But don't need Cao Ren to finish asking, an among those close soldier's signing a horse is a dynasty Cao Ren to shout a way:"Cao general!Is quick to withdraw troops!The enemy's reinforcement came!"
[w w w .bxwx b o o k .c o m]

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