
beats by dre solo that many people te

The man smiled at me bravely as I did the mid-meal check-in and assured me everything was delicious.

I was a little dubious as he had coughed out his words, looked at me with bloodshot eyes and had excessive sweat droplets running off his bald head. ome people can handle their chilli?someone whispered in answer to my bewildered face.

After a sheltered culinary childhood, it was as a waitress in a Thai restaurant that I received that introduction to chilli. (Side note: Never offer a customer an extra napkin for their veractive sweat glands? They don like it.)

From there I was hooked and into all things chilli. And before you judge my lameness, once you've investigated, it is a fascinating topic. Not only can chillies reduce grown men to puddles of sweat, they can act as aphrodisiacs and even make for cool key chains.

So courtesy of us at GoTravel24, here are some random facts that you can use to fill an awkward conversation lull at your next dinner party. Never call us unhelpful.

Chilli?contains seven times more vitamin C than an orange.

Chilli?can help you lose weight. The Capsaicin in chilli helps burn fat as it increases circulation and boosts your metabolism.

Chilli?can make you fat. No, I am not confused. Doctors say that chilli enhances the taste of food so much that many people tend to overeat and get fat. So, control yourself people!

Chilli?can fight cellulite. Sounds like rubbish, no? Chilli helps your body to eliminate toxins and waste, smoothing the skin. So try nibbling on a chilli while on your stairmaster.

Chilli?is a bell pepper in the USA, la-cheow in China, a chilli pepper in England, capsicum in Australia and paprika in Europe. (Ironically, the bell pepper variety of chilli actually contains no capsaicin at all ?meaning that a local pepper steak pie has more of a bite to it. Not quite in keeping with the American attitude of bigger and better now is it?interesting?

Chilli?is considered to be a fruit of the berry bush variety and is self-pollinating.

Chilli?was first eaten over 6 000 years ago in the Americas and exported to Europe by Christopher Columbus.

Chilli?can also thank Columbus for their erroneous attachment to the label peppers, simply because in his opinion they tasted kinda like a pepper (never mind that they had a name already). Talk about the ed Indian?saga all over again.

Chillies?like so many things in life, vary in size. From 0,5cm to 30cm long, it the luck of the draw really. Unlike life however, it is the smaller ones that are the hottest?br />
Chilli?is an aphrodisiac. The capsaicin in chilli stimulates our nerve endings and raises our pulses and is essentially what makes chilli hot. This is translated by our brains to mean a different kind of hot?Basically, your increased heart rate and sweatiness is so similar to what happens during sex that well, you just might as well. It is also reported that eating a lot of chillies can cause irritation of the genital and urinary tract, which, for some reason, is misinterpreted by some as sexual excitement. But hey, whatever helps you get your groove on.

Chilli?has its own International Society. I kid you not.

Chilli?in America very rarely ever contains fresh chilli. Ever heard an American refer to their famous chilli dish? That usually just means mince meat, tomato and chilli powder. Cheaters.

Chilli?is a great source of vitamins for birds. With no capsaicin pain receptors, birds are the chilli champions of the world and eat the hottest of the hot without breaking a sweat.

Chilli,beats by dre solo?has its own scale. The Scoville Scale officially measures the hotness of a chilli. The naga jolokia from India is the hottest chilli recorded measuring in at 1 000 000 Scoville units ?beaten only by police chilli protection spray at 5 000 000.

Chilli?and contact lenses do not mix. If you eat a chilli in an can handle the heat?drunken competition one night and wake up to blearily put in your contact lenses the next morning ?beware.

Chilli?is celebrated in Port Elizabeth, South Africa each year at their annual festival. Which incidentally was founded by an ex-Playboy bunny. How cool is that?

I think I should stop there before this gets too random. The moral of all these facts? Chillies are pretty unique fruits (not veg!) and deserve some credit. And make excellent dinner time conversation. Related articles:

