
cheap beats by dre Chang-an of this is

Chapter 742 decides military advance
Shout a ly, whole do Wu Chang up of dust all drive this a furious wind to blow open, in the drama ambition just of in front, bare holdses Luo's sun of growing the gun of figure.Bubble*)at the sight of own of long what gun points, is unexpectedly drama ambition just, Luo's sun is also to get a fright, flurried will long gun to accept return to, full face apology ground to drama ambition just say:"Is ambition just!I don't know to is you!How?Didn't get hurt?"Say, stretched out a hand to give drama ambition to just pull.
Drama ambition just wry smile get up, this matter also no wonder that Luo's sun, after all this force will do martial of time can not at will rush indiscriminately, plus Luo's sun and is on the spirit head.Only just the drama ambition just became nervous too much, temporarily give° this matter forget, this just almost drive Luo the sun is to sting.Shake shake head, drama ambition just say:"This matter is to is anxious, with lord male irrelevant!"
Luo's sun is malicious stare those non-commissioned officers of one side, the meaning is to say, know oneself at does a gun very dangerous, why don't block drama ambition just,cheap beats by dre.Drive Luo's sun so on staring, those non-commissioned officers are to have a bitterness could not say, they pour be not don't want to block, can the problem is to block not to live!However, they don't dare to argue with Luo's sun, can kneel down in succession to ask for pardon.Certainly, Luo's sun can't really blames them, either, put put a hand, would be to begin Chan to hand drama ambition just go toward flank of the stone Deng walk to, he also knows naturally drama ambition just of body bad.
The drama ambition just doesn't dare to labor Luo sun to hand himself/herself, hurriedly is stay back several step, this just think of previous oneself urgently and in a hurry come to this of cause, the favour is to say:"Lord male!Chang-an spread news!"
"Oh!"On listenning to this sentence, two eyes of Luo's sun sign a horse to would be to shine come, he waited in the Ru south so long, is not for waiting for from Chang-an come of news!Right away Luo's sun woulds be to hurriedly ask a way:"Really?Ambition just, that news exactly how?Gan son did he succeed?"
Drama ambition just is also quickly took out a glorious bag from the bosom, directly pass to Luo's sun.Luo's sun recognize out on seeing, this glorious bag that is the brocade dress' Wei the glorious bag of specially made.Luo's sun two words don't say that signing a horse woulds be to once connect a brocade bag and directly tore apart son and took out a brocade inside the bag from the brocade and up and closely wrote full this time Chang-an it change of the whole process.Cautiously after finishing seeing, Luo's sun is long long the ground is comfortable tone, the dark on the face was also a dissipation don't say, sigh a way:"Have never thought unexpectedly!This backstage manipulator will be China Xin!"
"China Xin!"Drama ambition just after receiving this airtight letter but have never opened, because of according to the secretly order, brocade secretly write of the dress Wei can hand over Luo's sun to open to just go in person, drama ambition just although the identity isn't low, cleverness of he also knows what the matter should do, what the matter should not do.So although is what he hands over to Luo the secretly write the sun, but he doesn't know the contents of secretly write, now listen to Luo's sun so on saying, drama ambition just is also ate a surprised.
For China Xin, the drama ambition is just naturally knowing, the previous drama ambition is just still more than once to once recommend China Xin in the Luo sun in front.Just see in the drama ambition, China Xin is just this person to not only enjoy good reputation, but also has artistic talent and have ability, absolutely is an individual!Can the drama ambition just several times recommend China Xin, Luo's sun didn't promise down, still give° China Xin settle sinecure, until last time believed in a positive job lack, this just give° China Xin crest go up.Unexpectedly this China Xin is unexpectedly the leader of rebellious troops!Want now, the drama ambition fears after just being also a burst of, if at the beginning Luo's sun listenned to his/her own suggestion and weighed to use China Xin, that China Xin this revolts, only afraid oneself is to can not take off a relation!However return overdo on thinking, drama ambition just again is to secretly feel strange, lord male previous have been being not willing to weigh to use China Xin, , since that time, lord Mr. start doubting China Xin?
Luo sun nature not ability heel drama ambition just explain, oneself because original of history up, that China Xin does of some not the affair of disgrace but to he some not trust, this just isn't willing to weigh to use China Xin.However the reason has already been getting ofer no account, the key is China Xin really is to organize this insurrection, and have already been quelled as well now, Chang-an of this is big to bother have been already solved as well!Connect down, should is to order together battalion, Sun Ce thoroughly give exterminate!
Thought of here, Luo's sun is to make an effort to hold to clench fist a head, the river from more than 20 year agos east drive Duo, to was plentiful to match to strive for sneak attack Chang-an with farmland last time, again arrive this of Ru south of war, is should with Sun Ce calculate calculate this Zhang!Right away Luo's sun woulds be to give° the brocade to crumple make one regiment, sink voice to drama ambition just drink a way:"The ambition is just!You then call big small fry in soldier now and come to city to guard a mansion argument matter!"At the moment the face of Luo's sun ascend on sweeping previous haze, was full of the countenance of excitement on the face, compare with just when the city outside sacrifices, didn't know spirit how much.
For the variety of Luo's sun, the drama ambition is just naturally also happy, to Luo sun arch once the hand do obeisance and drink a way:"Re!Belonged to this to do!"Finish saying, drama ambition just is also sign a horse to turn round and then walk.And Luo's sun is to return to the set of rooms changed a set of clothes, on the body this process just so some kind of toss about, early extremely dirty.Wait until Luo's sun clean 1 time, after changing good clothes, drama ambition just have already allly called as well will get and strive for minister to wait for inside the hall at the argument matter.
Wait until Luo's sun to arrive at argument matter hall, sit publically to start at the same time in the hall, toward Luo's sun to would be a to do obeisance, together the voice drinks a way:"Lord male!"
Luo's sun smiled and put to put a hand and signaled hint public need not over-courteous, but oneself then the path went straight the only chairman who vacate in the whole argument matter hall, a bottom sat down.The double eyes brightly swept a turn of public, at public in the middle at the right moment saw a week of Cang, be this guy still is cringing from fear for justing reprimanded angrily to by Luo's sun outside the city but having some.See the Cang in week that shape, Luo's sun is also not from must on smiling, immediately to public say:"Think necessarily the everybodies all have been already guessed, the Gu invites everybody to come over an argument matter this time, for discussing to connect down the affair of striking against the Yang state!Wanting to ask everybody can have what opinion, the everybody greatly can speak without any inhibition!"
Listen to Luo's sun so on saying, the owners are all stunned speechless.Just outside the city, didn't Luo's sun get savage for the sake of this matter?How to turn an eye and become an attitude?Public in the middle, the big part strives for all of privates is as if deep in thought, and the force will be medium sweet to rather wait a person is also seemed to guess what, perplex before seeming the matter of lord Mr. have been already solved!
No matter how it is say, Luo's sun since has already promised military advance Yang state, that was public is also Panasonic one breath.Sees one person Shua ground a station get up, toward Luo's sun to would be to embrace a boxing to drink a way:"Lord male!The end will please for the vanguard!"Is public to settle Jing on seeing, but is old Huang Zhong's sub- Huang Xu!At present the yellow Xu isn't that boy in those early years and inheritted Huang Zhong's whole body skill in martial arts, Huang Xu is already the west Qin's great commander, and still for west Qin signed many achievements.
"Do not go!Don't go!"Still don't need a Luo sun answer, sign a horse in the week Cang of one side be spring up feet, towarding Huang Xu is to shout a way:"Little Huang Xu!Before I have already requested to lord Mr. and since want to beat Yang state now, that this vanguard should be me to be be!"
The week Cang is in my old soldier, but the yellow Xu don't sell a debt, wrinkly the nose hum a way:"Week general!In times before you toward lord Mr. please fight really is right, can at that time lord Mr. is to don't also promise!Since lord Mr. didn't decide the candidate of vanguard soldier, that explains lord generally accepted isn't suitable for to be this vanguard for you, that I come to lord Mr. please fight again what's wrong?It is an old week general to pour you, still stay in lord Mr. nearby!"This words of Huang Xu Shuo of time, stood to stick out chest, greatly have me am younger than you, you what then not my meaning.
Although the temperament of week Cang is a bit anxious, at ordinary times is also like Zha Zha suddenly and suddenly, arrive is with many will of the friendships were all quite good, plused Huang Xu to recognize since childhood week Cang, 2 people's is also a Dou to usually quarrel, play trick is also very at will.But listen to yellow Xu so on saying, the week Cang signs a horse be stare a circle eyes, hum a way:"Little Huang Xu!You say who old!The master son that compares with your house, I can be regarded as young!To don't believe I now go out to do with you!Hum!For your boy, also a little bit delicate!Lao Tze's a hand can can tidy up you!"
The week Cang starts shouting again, while Huang Xu is not angry either, just Xi hip-hop admire the ground say with smile:"Week old general!Do you want to do with me?Ha ha!I see still calculate, don't a ruined carelessly your old one a life time is good name!"Huang Xu this boy is also infuriating don't lose money, special read accent on that"old" word, put clear is the Cang that wants to annoy a week.
The Cang is also an explosive bucket, been such a by Huang Xu on this week deep-fried, signed a horse to would be to yell, the Lu rose gusset, will compare them with Huang Xu.Looking at the Cang in week and Huang Xu this is old one little 2 live a treasure, Luo's sun is also again annoy again funny, shook to shake head, openings drink a way:"Good!Good!You are two to refrain from rash action for Gu some!"Luo's sun this openings, week Cang and Huang Xu is naturally to don't dare to wantoned again, signing the horse is to become darling.
In of many will see, also is all to roar with laughter, although is to equally reprimand angrily to, Luo's sun in nowadays, a sight better before obviously wanting to compare outside the city, in of, was all old subordinate that follows behind Luo's sun for several years, knew that Luo's sun isn't an animation really now naturally.Beside of the text hired to roar with laughter more and pointed at the Cang in week and Huang Xu Liang people to would be to say with smile:"I say you two, fought so for several years, don't get fed up with feeling as well?Little Huang Xu, I but hear, was boy in your house recent but had a liking for the miss of Cang house in week?Ha ha, how you also want not like Cang of fawning on the week well, in case of he if Be not willing to promise coming with a marriage proposal of boy in your house, wasn't that a mess?"
The text hires say of, but is the interesting news of of that son about 10 years old and week that daughter about 10 years old in Cang house of Huang Xu Jia.And Huang Xu early and early take a wife to living son different, week Cang before meeting with Mr. to lose a surname always never marry, had been dragging along till cheerful even nine years of time, Mr. the losing a surname just born a rightness of Long Feng Tais for the Cang in week.Cang and Mr. that don't see a week lose surnames all and grow not Zha kind, they living out of son's also pouring is the Cang that is like a week, black don't slip away an autumn of, can their daughter but was a lovely pole, knew on seeing to is the Pi son of a beauty.After once meeting several times, Huang Xu also moved a mind, want to own son settle this doll in person, only the week Cang have been making to say that oneself wants compare one generation of Huang Xu Chang, Be not willing to loosen.
[w w w .bxwx.net]

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