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Chapter 582 saint blazes and bites a star day sky burning
A see Ji vast sky admit down, mother-in-law Yu is astonishment very much, tiny Zhang Zhu Kou, mumbling low language:"Is unimaginable, this just how many years, you incredibly can get into the territory of absolute being, this speed is really too quick 1:00."
"The luck makes however, don't control breath, I afraid is again lead 1,000 years, also similar will be rounded in the satisfied territory, positively have no again further of possibility."The Ji vast sky badge does one way of smile, at will asking:"Is the front what happened?"
Two while talking, people"light Chen" explodes in the unreal ground open, several have the territory of Nie Qing to fix for of superior, distressly fly out from it, the Rang Rang of gnash teeth in hatred write wanted a malicious hand.
Strange bone machine above of bone clansmen, wallet bone all living, the bone on the body is even all clear it is thus clear that, all of each are to have no several two meats, imitate some corpses.
The bone clan is very a geezer race, the person of this race extremely solidifies, didn't almost and never once have civil war, each clansmen of bone clan, all hard seek a benefits for bone clan, mutual trust, in no case will appear to cooperate the circumstance of dealing with his/her own person to appear with outsider.
They not only extremely solidify, but also very is to record enemy, once someone gave offense to a member of bone clan, the friends of this bone clansmen will beg for justice for him, didn't report enemy, they can not fix to do, don't do any affair, a wish revenge the other party.
Therefore, at die to measure an area the ordinary people don't dare to easily provoke bone clansmen, once provoking, all will with most quickly the speed put~to death to kill the other party, in case opportunity to have already looked for enemy for the other party, otherwise, the pathetic destiny that you then want to bear with to have no peace of mind day and night, the revenge for guarding against bone clansmen moment by moment.
The horse that"light Chen" up flies out-is person's clan, person clan at die saint area in isn't the strongest race, at die star area in, the person clan is known for by being good at using scheming, fame not good, those people dare to toward so stem with bone clan, also not know for the sake of He Shi, this makes the Ji vast sky very curious.
"Not just for contending for the predominant power that robs the Nu Yan star underground."Remaining Fan Fan the air is self-composed, explanation way:"There are many bone clansmens on the star of Nu Yan coming together, always, those bone clans all take the star of Nu Yan as their starses, another of race of the clansmen have in the star of Nu Yan many restriction, the bone clan established various superiors who forbid area, prohibit another race to at will pass in and out on the star of Nu Yan."
"However, after the dry bones of bone clan spreads a person of drive all-powerful ghost mother harm, another on the star of Nu Yan of race of the clansmen then and gradually no longer obeyed to the rules honesty of bone clan, the star of Nu Yan with person's clan allied put together of'the anti- bone alliance want to let the bone clan after opening those brush - offs that forbid area, encounter a bone clan has already broken out combat, these lives feared big combat of scope to break the structure of the star of Nu Yan and had already moved the combat to expanse of stars in.
Mother-in-law Yu in brief explained a circumstance 1 time, soon after ask a way:"You come to the star of Nu Yan, not for contending for robbing what?""Contend for robbing what?"Ji vast sky Leng for a while, shake head a way:"I come to the star of Nu Yan just for looking for missing person, look for a person, I then will leave the star of Nu Yan, do I take care of how they make the Teng."
Mother-in-law Yu listens to him so on saying and peep out a strange facial expression in the eye and hesitate her to say:"You know why suddenly have on the star of Nu Yan'does the anti- bone alliance appear?You see, in addition to that'anti- bone alliance and bone clan outside, around but still rounded a view a lot of another person of races, you say them why will appear is carrying son?"Ji vast sky Ya however, sound out ground to ask:" ……There is another hidden facts?"
Mother-in-law Yu smiled and ordered to nod, way:"Certainly."She blinks eyes, lightly the Yang wears a head and seems to be in the inquiry of waiting for the Ji vast sky.
The Ji vast sky sees her such a facial expression, in the heart on enjoying, ride with the current of ask a way:"What hidden facts?"
"Before half year, a huge fire blaze meteor from the sky but declined and fell to go into arrived deep place of the underground of the star of Nu Yan, this fire burning meteor come of very and quickly, privates in the sky on quickly a lot of stars of Nu Yan didn't feel and waited until some people look for to that fire burning the meteor sink into of place of time, discover the huge cave is over there in, unexpectedly be missing the trace of that fire burning meteor."
Mother-in-law Yu's for a while, seem to be just to intentionally mourn Ji vast sky appetite, wait until she discovers Ji vast sky after expressing a very interested in facial expression just and immediately after say:"Is not much long, at Nu Yan the thing outside the stars of the star, then coming together tuft Cu this kind of gorgeous fire is burning, get rid of it don't spread, Nu Yan star of the temperature start to be more and more high, underground in, often spread violent of bellow a voice, return the companion contain strange interjection, in this process, the star of Nu Yan sends forth heat, the earth's surface starts cracked, the plant on the star of Nu Yan loses plant in succession, someone gets into underground quest and even deliver Xi underground in start having to show off-spot creation:I;……R ……""what does this mean?"Ji vast sky one face is interrogative."Young man, once listens to relevant source fire of fabulous?"Mother-in-law She Leng for a while, ask a way."Once hearing is some, but isn't specially pure-Chu, also ask mother-in-law Yu to dispel doubt."
Mother-in-law Yu ordered to nod and seemed the attitude of very satisfied Ji vast sky, formally way:"The star of Nu Yan is the star of a life, suddenly have already shown off in the center of earth the spot appear, the this alignment the sun difference changes of omen, this circumstance doesn't almost and impossibly take place, unless at Nu Yan the underground of the star in exist'the saint is burning day sky, only this kind of source fire just like this characteristic.""You are to say,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, Nu Yan the stars of the star in, existence source fire of a kind of?"The Ji vast sky is at present regarded as understand come over.
"Not not not!"Out of the blue, mother-in-law Yu incredibly keeps plug" is accurate to say, at Nu Yan the stars of the star in, should existence two kinds of sources fire!In addition to that'the saint is burning day sky, outside, also already bite a star burning, existence, you know'bite a star burning, ?"The Ji vast sky ordered to nod.
"Bite a star burning" is also 1 kind of source fire, it is said that that this"$ the f star is burning" is the appearance of burning fire meteor is aimless to fly in the unreal, sex is pleased to swallow$the fire in the f expanse of stars burning meteor, absorb those fires that fleet away in the expanse of stars exchanges star, blaze from the fire meteor up obtain strength.↓Of this world, it is said that totally exist nine kinds of source fires, has your audibility ever said a kind of rumours?"Mysterious ground of Xi Xi of mother-in-law Yu asks."What rumours?"Ji vast sky be really drive she to stired up curiosity.
"Anyone came together in the whole world of nine kinds of source fires, and can succeed to blend, can break the territory of mentally dense!" For a while, mother-in-law Yu again throws a surprised sky of deep-fried speech of thunder sort:"The territory of mentally dense that I point is the territory of the ultimate end mentally dense of eternal life immortalization!"One Lin in the Ji vast sky heart, the Mou is plump to is frightened.
Mother-in-law Yu is satisfied with the facial expression of Ji vast sky very much and continue way:"Not only is a person, the of nine kinds of source fires can also gobble up fusion mutually, once nine kinds of source fires by himself/herself melt together, first start the source fire of dint of fusion, can also attain the territory of ultimate end mentally dense, become a kind of in the whole world the most special existence!""?!"The Ji vast sky is again surprised to shout.
"Drop into into Nu Yan before that half year star of'bite a star burning, must be know the star of Nu Yan in has saint to blaze day sky, of existence, it comes the purpose of the star of Nu Yan, affirmation wants will'the saint blaze to integrate into oneself, this period of time day sky, the variety of the Nu Yan star underground, affirmation is the fighting of of two kinds of source fires, 'anti- bone alliance, of so come out and the bone clan cross swords and would be for canning hurtle into a bone clan to row out forbid area, hope to search to two kinds of source fires, give° these two kinds of source fires to take.Remaining Fan old woman positive color way.
"It is one thing so."Ordered to nod, the Ji vast sky tooks a look those to round a view, and then hopes mother-in-law Yu's one eye and asked a way:"You will appear here with them, also for the sake of are these two kinds of source fires since then?"
"Can say so."Mother-in-law Yu smiled to smile, again way:"However, I don't dare to entertain wild hope I to get source fire, the main purpose still takes under the door of the wench to experience a knowledge, conveniently touch, after all, this taking of source fire isn't state more Gao more and easily get, this also wants to speak chance and opportunity, perhaps I bring of the wench, have this kind of chance and opportunity."
"Two kinds of source fires cross swords, that star of Nu Yan the certain steaming hot is matchless?"The Ji vast sky suddenly thought of what, once the facial expression change and quickly ask a way.
"That is certainly."Remaining Fan old woman an expression of naturally" this period of time, a lot of fix for the lowly sky of private, all withdrew to go out from the saint of Nu Yan, some self-discipline fires blaze the guy of strength, besides which, , there are also those good hands that attain the territory of the highest point of Nie Qing, basically have no how much person dare in the star of Nu Yan to linger."Is not good!She definitely suffered hardship!
The company ice Jie only fixs for lowly, is a Jing to fix again the ice multiplies by of dint, she stays on that star of Nu Yan and estimate each each time engrave to all suffer huge pain-suffering, the fire of that steaming hot burning of dint, to she root be endure long hardship, she stays on the star of Nu Yan, the state is very likely to will fall back!This wench, how so silly!
Is full mournful in the Ji vast sky heart, have the territory of absolute being to fix for of he, as long as the heart reads a to move, can respond company ice Jie, can see company's ice Jie at a mountain peak of the star of Nu Yan on.
For waiting him, the company ice Jie always don't leave, after the star of Nu Yan took place to greatly become, she still silently at that mountain peak on wait him!
"Thanks, I occupy first is one step, have an opportunity in the days to come, certainly be a with gratitude!"The Ji vast sky lightly drinks a , not etc. mother-in-law Yu continues to talk, the body very and soon rushed at the star of Nu Lao such as the long Hong.
"Feed ……" remaining Fan Fan angrily calls way, she spoke so many, in the heart is have another plan, which know to still too late speak own plan, the Ji vast sky had no a trace right away, this doesn't already make mother-in-law Yu displeased, spirit way:"Little bastard, didn't my words finish speaking."The regrettable Ji vast sky didn't hear.
"The bearer halts!This a period of time, the star of Nu Yan doesn't accept getting into of outsider!"The bone sting of white that is a bunch of to tie Sen blunt shoot to come over, in the saint of Nu Yan outside intertexture ossification net, a that bone clan artifacts above of bone clan superior, hazy cold drink a way.
"Get away!"The anxious Ji vast sky just ignores bone clansmen to give offense to, a roars after, will block all bones of road to stab all give smash, in a twinkling broke through the blockader of bone clansmen, a head of drilled to go into the star of Nu Yan.
A:Today one chapter, placed to do the New Year's shopping, the suppers didn't eat now, hungry belly code one grass, really spiritless, ashamed medium ……
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