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How can the white the other party mistake shoots medium Be getting more brave, show is brave is greeting the time that Ping Yu calms down suddenly see the action of the other party high upstairs, the disease rushes toward in the past all of a sudden, the other party rush started to beat to win him for a while."His look in the eyes is incredibly also so good, so far the being apart from incredibly has found for him."I praise highly a way.
"Being not his look in the eyes either is all right, strange that cutthroat skill almost, the first gun didn't beat quasi-, beat at in the car door."Shi Shao Qiang simultaneously explain circumstance simultaneously take out a telephone, call sign way:""Liu Dui, notify all brotherses give me the attention and please strictly the road segment cloth controls in the neighborhood, I am following that modern and gray sedan now, it has been a sky since the other party got into, mansion road, this is the busy streets area, there is weapon on the other party hand, everyone doesn't want to act rashly, blocks off road and then goes and makes him change direction into high-speed road.Arrive a little place of person us to tidy up him again."
Everything strongly calculate at Shi Shao in, see cutthroat open of car indeed as expected far farseeing arrive police car, suddenly change direction all of a sudden, round last viaduct, turn toward leading to the high-speed road out of the city but going.
"OK, you can make a phone call to brave they!Let Ping Yu calm down witness you Be brave to grasp the assassin's heroic bearing!"
I should 1, took out a telephone to just want to stir a dozen, suddenly stunned speechless for a while, Shi Shao Qiang how can anyone know I have brave telephone number?He should not know my understanding brave just to ah!
Shi Shao Qiang Chou my one eye, cold give a smile, shook to shake head a way:"You ah, also need to deceive me to arrive when!I once said early in the morning, Qian Kai's under charge also had my informant, you save brave matter I heard early in the morning, how don't know you to know again brave matter!"
A burst of cold sweat starts to emit in my heart, the root of this person of Shi Shao Qiang is remarkable, know it in heart, incredibly don't speak as well.Hurriedly explanation way:"This is that I am still in the Jing school of matter, just an accident, however I really and his nothing important is special to relate to!"
"This I know, you want to acquaint with with him really, I again how also make you keep on continuing!"Shi Shao Qiang looking at distance a few before the cars the modern car driven by that cutthroat.Is suddenly tiny tiny on smiling, way:"Probably you are really born and then should do this matter."
Do you say that is the rightness not?Shi Shao Qiang stretches hand into a bosom and touches a sunglasses putting on and becoming overdo to come to smile to smile to me.
I have some a cool fellings, this kind of everythings are all controled by the other people of the felling really isn't a taste!
The [ advertises the ] in time
《A life time of Zhen view 》 author:It's sunset to print blood

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On the high-speed road, the gray and modern car opens the Ju in the medium rules, even hardly do intention of export surplus car.
I have some oddness and say:"This guy car opened so slowly,does not want to run road."
Shi Shao Qiang shakes head and says:"Be getting wronger, drive just from he this detail up, can see this is a mental character best cutthroat, although have ambition at to escape,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, in no hurry, will never think because is possible latent of even if some accident but influence oneself.Certainly, most of, is that he hasn't realized that we are tracking him just."
"Now how should we do?"I ask a way.
Shi Shao Qiang pickeds up a telephone, call sign way:"Liu Dui please contact to hand over to take care of a section, must seal pond toll station."Finish saying to toward once my Hey Hey smile and say:"Was already an outskirts here, we could make him leave a car to escape to slowly tidy up!The person is little convenience just we act."
Don't other brotherses help?Aren't you afraid to have an accident?
Once Shi Shao Qiang smile, saying to grasp must grasp, however at least make you express first for a while.You hurriedly make a phone call.
I ordered to nod and broke through brave telephone, the telephone rang more than ten seconds, someone answered, and what to answer the phone is an unfamiliar man.Want to come to is one of just those youthses.Brave since have already got hurt, answer the phone of certainly can be him flank of person.
"Make the quiet elder sister listen to a telephone."I say.Since doing a drama is certainly to do complete set, must make Ping Yu calm down to remember me.
"You BE?"Ping Yu is quiet definite connect to conduct electricity a words way beside.
"I is brave friend, just we once saw in the square of, I rent a car now up, have already caught up that guy!"
Ping Yu is quiet 1, say:"Really?To, do you call Teng text handsome?"I have some oddness and ask a way:"Do you know my name?"
Ping Yu calms down way:"Have already shown name on the telephone."
In my heart a loose, ask a way:" Brave nothing important matter?Have already sent to a hospital?"Ping Yu is quiet to seem to be very anxious, say:"Already at one people the hospital give first aid."
I lightly H'm 1, say:"That good, don't worry, brave can't occupy of, I have already notified a police, will definitely hold tight him!"Ping Yu was quiet to say a voice of thanks, again way:"You also carefully order, that person has a gun, really too dangerous, you also not the strategic area move, let the police catch him good!"
I smiled to smile and said the voice is all right, your care good brave, my grasping him will rush through to a hospital.
The telephone accepts line.Shi Shao Qiang Jiao 狤 once the ground smile and say:"The canning not tell Ping Yu is pretty quiet to still concern your ."I said the voice goes, don't gab, however your eye is still true poisonous, this can also hear.Shi Shao Qiang is tightly staring at the car of front and saying with smile:"This is the good matter, Ping Yu is quiet how say to is also a generation beauty, the other people want to hope to still hope to be not come!"
I about to speak words, Shi Shao Qiang suddenly says:"About, the pond toll station will arrive right away, we work well preparation.Have already been sealed there, however recently flank just in the construction, part of the protection column open an and lead to a recent workplace, he sees power not to, affirmation want dynasty there run, our right there tidies up him!"
I lightly shook to shake head, smiled for a while and from the heartly said 1:"Your his mama is very cunning!"
Shi Shao Qiang's sneer wears a side head Piao my one eye, say BE?This was originally a matter inside my share, besides you can personally hold tight him still don't know a matter, certainly, if he ability break out of your my hand don't represent him as well lucky, inside that rear of the workplace circle one kilometer scope, there are more than 100 brotherses still being waiting he going into a jar.Only, that wasn't your achievement, Hey!
This descend in my heart really depended for a while, have to admire Shi Shao Qiang's super brains.Indeed as expected everything all in his calculation, just just I give him the report so from the China square a short while effort, he incredibly everything all to arrangement calculate.
The whole such as what Shi Shao Qiang guesses, sees very far and very and far, pond the toll station there obviously have already been sealed, row have long long of car dragon.That cutthroat originally has been opening of steady be the car being Be suddenly fierce to add acceleration, an urgently turn, hurtle next safety barrier, along a soil road opened pass by.This person's contingency ability isn't not it may be said strong, but regrettable everything has already strongly calculated at Shi Shao in.
Shi Shao Qiang is also fierce dozen steer device, foot acceleration, for a while more than two cars, tightly kept up with the modern car that that wild diagram escapes.Say still lightly clapped to clap steer device, say with smile:"This Pu mulberry's breaking is to break a point, the function is still pretty quite good, and turning head still have to appreciate that teacher."
This is a soil road that fixs to deliver brick cement at the time, all of both sideses are wide farm lands.The car driven by that cutthroat suddenly the acceleration run about wildly, the back of the car Shan rise one regiment huge dust.
"He discovers us at track him!"Shi Shao Qiang obviously drives good hand, the under charge disease soon shifts gear, and tightly the car don't put before biting.
Is just similar to what Shi Shao Qiang says, the front had no road, just a huge factory embryo structure, that person drives to the front of the factory, suddenly a feet brake, suddenly opened a car door to jump down, carried him that box that packs to attack by surprise a gun have no the life ground haven't completely set up to hurtle in the good factory area toward that.Shi Shao Qiang is also one feet brake, pushed me 1, say:"Get off, caution a point, I cover you, if he Tao gun Related articles:

