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Battleship doubly in F square.But the Hollander the slightest has no hesitant meaning.Their battleship probably has no Chinese of excellent, their brigade rows probably have no British of careful, can who can not doubt at present fighting strength of this fleet.The Hollander is rated as genius to the operation of the boats and ships.As well or say the person of this nation is originally sea but living of.In fine at extreme of the cleft Holland fleet with make Chinese and English two country fleets all sigh for view of clever operated to occupy beneficial direction of wind smoothly and towarded to start the first aggression to the Ao Si man fleet making.
And proper Holland fleet and Ao Si Man when the person hand over fire, the fleet of Chinese and English two countries has already sunk into white-knuckle battle status as well.Because both parties from the first not raised in the rules in that sort a day ago.Therefore a war row line after together shooting the both sideses all sank into confused conflict.At first occupy the China fleet of advantage to pretty much take pleasure in seeing on the amount the war situation like this appears.However true be confused conflict between both parties after launching, China military authority noodles but detection originally the amount as well isn't a decisive factor in the confused conflict.
Heavy nitric smoke and the war situation of disorder seriously influence flagship with the contact of the of each cent fleet on the sea surface.Canning not deny fighting to carry on Shi Lang whom this top is a fleet commanding officer has already canned not issue to have orderanying of materiality to the fleet again.After all only depending an of the signal ensign battleship and battleship basically can not correspond by letter each other in this case.Hence each battleship also had to do a homologous battle to adjust according to the respectively circumferential circumstance.This even if being the flagship"Ao agreeable number" of the China soldier is no exception.
"It is really a confused conflict of the name matches the reality."Pass a telescope observation Shi Lang's wry smile of war situation to write to give a deep sigh a way on all sides.Still a side Zhen listens to, the Du Rang writes to say:"The general doesn't want to worry.The our army circumstance is still such.British there also unlike we here arrive where go to."
"Your lo.Although British's battleship is respectively a war, it the distance of mutual pull not farly.And all always be placed in a leeway to.The single soldier of much less British battles to also really have a skill."Shi Lang points at a few British battleship of distance not to don't have no saying of exclamation.Certainly he didn't dampen our spirit of meaning, only speak his/her own viewpoint according to the actual circumstance just.To this Lang I am also very clear.Although the fleet that oneself leads turns to fight for several years on the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean the opponent before crossing swords is mostly the type of the Wo country fleet or pirate kinds of goods that has no to go into to flow.If say to fight empirical words far have no British fleet or Holland fleet come abundant.And really need to say to is a list the soldier battles perhaps also only Zheng Sen's fleet can with it a higher bottom.Certainly thought this kind of matter to think now is also hope futilely.Zheng Sen's fleet doesn't know to when just can go up north.But Shi Lang as well intend to solve in British fleet of Indian Ocean today.
Proper Shi Lang with full intention calculates how slowly consuming of the one mouthful one mouthful British fleet of, he body side of still Zhen but from watched from a distance a hand to know a shocking new war bulletin there.But see his young face in a flash that originally is full of self-confidence becoming very white.After hesitating for a while.He finally summoned up courage facing just an idea conductor battle of Shi Lang offer suggestion a way:"General just there spread news from Holland fleet.Depend on general to say that he arrived to can not hold up against quickly especially."
"What?Do you say that Holland fleet could not held up quickly?"Shi Lang listens to hurriedly and stunnedly turn head to counter-question a way.
"Yes, general.The Hollander spreads news to say that they met an Ao Si Man fleet that constitutes to°from up to 100 battleship."Still Zhen's making reference to here am a Zheng first for a while and follow and added own standpoint way for a while:"General may be a signal to deliver a mistake.All say Ao Si the Man only has ……"
Still what Zhen means to say is "all saying that the Ao Si Man fleet only has is 35", haven't waited he to finish saying, but Shi Lang already the air dignifiedly throw down him to personally rush through to the stern.Because whence he can a little bit clearly observe the circumstance of Holland fleet.See this situation Zhen still also involuntarily think that this wasn't a simple misinformation.

Section 331's meeting reinforcement British army must break siege to lie to aid Shi Lang to advise an ally

The fact proves Hollander since didn't tell a lie, Shi Lang also didn't listen to wrong.The proper China fleet just entwines with British fleet of cleft, Holland fleet but a head of were firm to enter far more than it Ao with ten Si man of surrounding of battleship in.If say that the of Chinese and English fleet is in the margin on the amount still ability not to fights the words of having the decisive function, that Rao is a Hollander again how brave and skillful in battle as well not ability with 17 battleship to fight up to 100 enemy warship.Consequently depend on and as soon as discovers this irritating fact then and immediately issuing orders behind that the whole army withdraws especially.Only compare to assault to withdraw usually is pain and sufferings but again troublesome of live son.
"We were like the cod a head ofs of a group of birdbrains to drill into fish net inside at that time.More darned is did we still think that wes were to go fishing in the beginning."The after the event Holland major general Ao cloth Dan is in own voyage diary such self-ridicule way.However the then Hollander can there are no too many efforts complaining what.The vehemence roaring Ao Si Man battleship is constantly and continuously flowed out,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com.Holland fleet can think to the utmost the whole ways of withdraw behind.But gradually throw in the Ao Si Man fleet of battlefield but seem to be very in the another part the absolute being certainly annoy carefree.This also no wonder that is amount's most huge fleet of battlefield the rare Du completely have reason to lend this to have the first timing control war situation.In fact this Ao Si Man of old will also really do so.
"General.See to us to get be time.Lo.Britishes almost could not held against."Hope distance to sink into rare Mo of young adjutant Mo of British battleship of bitter struggle virtuous satisfiedly say with smile.
"The captain was the stubborn battle of British to save themselves.But we then came to night.Frankly speaking cloth Lai gram can insist that now really make people admire."The rare Du of warship bridge hits home of evaluation way.
"General you don't say so.Look Chinese currently this but started out a main fleet.If isn't a general, you in advance let out disinformation to paralyze those Chinese and adjusted to battleship to add a fleet from the Aden again.What about the rat of inside that we perhaps will become a cage like British now."Mo the rare Mo is virtuous don't think advising of idea solution way.
Listen to subordinate so a say that the corner of mouth of rare Du hanged up a silk to pay no attention of smile an idea.Although say on the his mouth he came to night, can in mind and together his adjutant was similar be full of to the decision this time satisfied.The situation that now engraves to visit Holland fleet have already been disrupted feet.And China fleet although the real strenght is extraordinary but is also arousing for previous few days to consume a great deal of strength in the war.As for British fleet said nothing of.Even if this time cloth Lai gram ability whole body and back hereafter British fleet also impossibly again show off on the Indian Ocean force to spread fame.The Ao Si Man fleet became at present unique retention real strenght at this time morale again high fleet.Rare Du in the mind very clearly as long as oneself stays on the safe side today.In spite of is a Chinese and a Hollander still British, the fleet of those heathens couldn't threaten empire in the authority on the Indian Ocean any further.Thought of here rare Du in the mind not from be suffused with to have a will to fight for hasing long time no see.But see him turning head to belong to a resolute order way downward:"The herald bottom goes, all the full Fan go forward!"
"Follow instructions general."The adjutant generously receives orders a way.Is proper he wants descend issue on order of the but again was called by the rare Du to live a way:"Wait for a second.Notify a ship captain keeps a good, the form doesn't want to hastily hurtle into battlefield and the China fleet occurrence confused conflict."
The adjutant was a Zheng first for a while, immediately and politely saluted a way:"Follow instructions general.It is the whole to shine on your aim idea to do."
In the Ao Si Man fleet devotion battlefield of at the same time, British fleet also on the whole wait come they expect already a long time of allied troops.Although it is said for Ao Si Man the person delay battleplane again and again British top and bottom already complaints are heard everywhere.But British fleet was before and after all a China fleet Ao to together fight all day long.The vitality greatly harms under the nature also there are no more energies querying allied troops.Consequently after confirming the identity and amount of the Ao Si Man fleet, cloth Lai gram path and pace that immediately and then orderany a fleet to match with allied troops gradually accepts Long battleship to start to return to offend to enemy's soldier.
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