
beats by dre pro also own morality

Prepare lunch, the spring tree accompanies in person and admired Can with Zhang Zhe 2 people to drink several cups to burn wine.
Use up a meal, the parties goes out of the wood of Zuo Zuo found out a spring tree and whispered in his ear a burst of, the spring tree roars with laughter a way:"Dog's growing a madam is really a hospitality, does she invite us to go to her manor and have a meal, however is very sorry, we have already been full, ha ha, Zhang Sang, to my entertainment still calculate satisfied?"
Zhang Zhe sparks one to admire the cigarette that the Can self-makes and naturally absorbed an one mouthful to say:"Do not eat royal feast, the regret shouted."
"?Does Zhang Sang still have this kind of favour?Early say, I can help you the arrangement of."Smile in spring tree mouth, but the in the mind is dark to scold this guy of hypocrite, look in a serious manner, actually then the fearfulness of stuffy sao.
Will Zhang Zhe be thus unbearable?That how may, open widely young master have ever done not what things and never once see?Which will be addicted to those dirty things?His underneath a words let the spring tree smile to get up not:"Hear Ainu clans all like to use wife as container to treat quest,beats by dre pro, don't know isn't true?"
The spring tree facial expression immediately changed, his father was to spend farmer of quite good, can her mother is an Ainu clan!Press Wo the person's habit, the parents' customs all want to inherit, at Ainu, at the beginning invite a highly respectable guest, will use young female in the home as container to go together with vegetables entertainment, compare own sister, wife just calculate his/her own truely private product, so the most people will choose a wife.
Is gradual, take a wife to treat quest along with more and more people, this kind of custom became the wives body ti to climb to compare a meeting, who house if have a beautiful wife, will try very hard to invite own friend, take out demonstration with show that oneself gets her uncommon.
Along with horary of change, until now, almost all foreigners think that Ainu clan's treating quest will use his/her own wife, not the other is female.
Although this kind of bad customs still has reservation, however after all and not much, although it is said the Wo country is that the male power is social, can constantly develop a progress along with the society, woman's position just a little has a change, this kind of bad customs gradually refrained from rash action, only minority be placed in the person of "wild" tribe to still insist outside, the most people all gave up.
Today, be directly put forward by a foreigner, is the irony of the red luoluo very obviously.
Spring tree Be half Ainu person, the in the mind cuts up rough an abnormality naturally, he although having Wo the person's inferior,live time in R.O.C country is very long, drive the nation of rite long-last smoked pottery, there is gradually also own morality, have already canned not tolerate own wife to very bare make a show of in other people's in front.
"Bang-" is layer after layer on striking table, the spring tree cuts up rough of roar a way:"If Zhang Sang, as a modern people, I feel shame for you, know, you just and make people disgust very much, in the my eyes, is a completely clown!"
Lookinging at of Zhang Zhe surprise he:"Is the spring tree gentleman denying his/her own blood relationship?That is really sorry."
The vehemence of spring tree immediately on leaking, nerveless say:"I don't query blood relationship, just, some customs not obey let it be, and ……" he is cold to stare Zhang Zhe Yi's eye:"You also calculate not ascend my honored guest!"
"Rudely."Zhang Zhe is 1 to listen to teach to lead at this time, one heart to three good students who learn, on the face special sincerity.
The spring tree urged tone, don't know to proceed from the reason why, fidgety difficult to expressly say:"In fact, I haven't got married ……"
Zhang Zhe doesn't believe:"I remember to meet for the first time and you together of the woman is very beautiful, two of you also express of warm and affectionate, how, would she not like to marry you?"
The spring tree peculiarly saw Zhang Zhe Yi's eye and shook head a way:"Zhang Sang seems to be very interested in my private life, I am very interrogative."
Zhang Zhe embarrassedly absorbed smoke and said with smile:"Friend, concern for a while just."
"Before diding not get hold of machete again, we still not calculate friend!"Spring tree affirmation's saying, then start a way:"Like, don't entwine on this topic, since west plum Er the madam invite, we go to she there sit."
Although Zhang Zhe also wants to try and ask news concerning Su's ocean, however see spring tree such disaffection, have no again lift, nod to say:"Is the consolation to comfort the west plum Er madam, in case he bosom hate in the heart."
Ascend president's car of spring tree, the manor that arrives at the west plum Er of another Zhang Zhe.Had no Kang Na to lead the way, this line of very troublesome, in the outer circle delay lesser half hour, just get into manor.The west plum Er is still to drive golf car to rush through to greet of, she didn't exercise and depended on the car and all over and softly was like regiment lousy mire and almost let the spring tree run at the mouth this time, this dog grew a madam be really more and more have flavor.
For the look in the eyes of the spring tree color mi Mi, the west plum Er sets up for to turn a blind eye and says with smile to Zhang Zhe:"Good person how came back again,had already canned not got away from me?"
Looking at she pays no attention of twist a pi, Zhang Zhe's in the mind is dark to scold 1:"Owe stem!"Then disaffection's saying:"The madam's words make people produce a misunderstanding very easily!I pour is want with madam go deep into exchanges for a while, can this also get the madam agree be not?"
The spring tree secretly nods in a side, heart says that you have some self-knowledge, hasn't the elder brothers son started, you want to put one leg, careful oneself's small life!
He makes his own look in the eyes as usual some hard, in all seriousness way:"It is presumptuous to come to bother, also hope a dog to grow a madam to forgive."
He has already made great effort, can still can not cover up an eye in of evil, the west plum Er disgust of wrinkle up eyebrows, despise way:" All came, again polite still interesting?To, you Wo does the person meet to bow?"
"Ma of, does your British meet to still embrace each other kiss how don't say??!"Spring tree secretly stomach Fei, on the face but still hang to owe to beat of smiling face:"It Be getting more disrespectful.Woman in"see his waist in Gong, the west plum Er took advantage of an opportunity to throw an eyebrow eye for Zhang Zhe, and then fluttered oneself for a while meat Du the pi of the Du, make the Zhang Zhe's a burst of eye dizzy, " absolutely has no idea of death or danger!"
Wait spring tree to start to keep a waist, the west plum Er says with smile:"Did not be all silly to stand, went in to chat."
She recruited to beckon with the hand to Zhang Zhe, the you deluded a way:"Good person sits to my flank."
Zhang Zhe directly takes no cognizance, the Nu hums of attain a spring tree nearby, although the spring tree is happy that he didn't realize hanging up of the west plum Er,secretly doubted, these 2 people seem to be early to have adultery!I am strolled here this time, didn't relate to?
Keeping in mind is jittery, the but again contains the complicated mood of a silk expectation, the spring tree walked into rumor has it that of"modernization palace" in, a see under, cannot help but to greatly sigh:"This is the real rich!Palace also only so-so?"
His exclamation changes to collectively despising of Zhang Zhe and the west plum Er, a words, fuss over common sight!

The pirate of text 311 chapter birdbrains?
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:09 chapter word numbers:7036

The spring tree gathers together the west plum Er nearby the Gu murmured Ji not to know what, west the plum Er facial expression become very complicated and see not extremely friendly toward Zhang Zhe's vision, Zhang Zhe helpless, Long You Qian's water encounters a shrimp drama, the tiger falls even sun drive dog deceit, spring tree this boy now is want how say how say, don't give him the opportunity for answering criticism.
The words say back, Zhang Zhe Lan must answer criticism what, west the plum Er isn't a pig brain again, will listen to his one-sided statement, indeed as expected, when spring tree carry face on spring tree's back go to of time, west plum Er the eyelid immediately blinked to blink, the corner of mouth starts to hang up a silk to smile an idea and rise head, challenge to looking at Zhang Zhe, in that manner is like saying, how, you have never thought one day will also fall a grandmother Gu's hand?
To this, Zhang Zhe looks on coldly.
Seem is intentionally annoy one spirit Zhang Zhe, the west plum Er always has intention to a not intentional Liao bo spring tree for a while, the spring tree is been fond of by her seven Huns are eight vegetables, bad have never stood a gun top horse.Zhang Zhe but have already in addition to thing toured by imagination, don't notice the west plum Er at all have don't observe his/her own look in the eyes.
Zhang Zhe at think to be small seven they can be safe to return to Ya Jia Er and stab blood how again Related articles:

